Maps & Transportation

For your convenience, we have compiled these estimates for transportation costs from the airport to the suggested hotels, and from the hotels to Pioneer headquarters.

Hotel Hotel Shuttle Service Uber average One-Way Transport cost from ICT Airport to Hotel Uber average One-Way Transport cost from Hotel to Pioneer Balloon Taxi average One- way Cost from ICT Airport to Hotel Taxi average One- way from Hotel to  Pioneer Balloon
3642 North Oliver
Wichita, Kansas 67220
Availability and  schedules will be announced closer to the event date.  Limited seating and on a first come first serve basis for airport transfers and celebration events. $22-$32 $6-$8 $37-$50 $6-$9
Ambassador Hotel
104 South Broadway  Wichita Kansas 67202
Round trip transfers to and from airport and 5 mile radius $13-$20 $16-$24 $19-$32 $22-$38
Hampton Inn & Suites
2433 North Greenwich Road
Wichita, Kansas 67226
Shuttle availability  and schedules will be announced closer to event date.  No airport transfers available. $27-$42 $11-17 $42-$58 $15-$24
Hilton Garden Inn
2041 North Bradley Fair Parkway, Wichita, Kansas 67206
Availability will be announced closer to event date.  No airport transfers available. $26-$38 $9-$13 $37-$52 $13-$24
Hotel at Old Town
830 E. 1st Street
Wichita, Kansas 67202
Round Trip Airport transfers only. First come first serve. $14-$22 $15-$23 $22-$35 $19-$37

Wichita Marriott
9100 Corporate Hills Drive
Wichita, Kansas 67207

Round Trip Airport transfers and two mile radius of hotel. First come first serve.

$21-$32 $15-$23 $33-$46 $21-$36

Rental Car Rates

Pick up Wichita Airport (below rates based on Pick up 9/15 & drop off 9/17)

  • Budget: $45-$200 Per Day
  • Dollar Rent a Car: $44-$180 Per Day
  • Enterprise Rent-A-Car: $40-$235 per Day
  • Hertz: $61-$130 Per Day
  • National Car Rental: $84-$189 per Day